#videoconferencing - Trivoh https://trivoh.com Video and audio communication Platform Thu, 15 Feb 2024 13:06:12 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cropped-1-32x32.png #videoconferencing - Trivoh https://trivoh.com 32 32 The Enduring Impact of Video Conferencing for Religious purposes. /the-enduring-impact-of-video-conferencing-for-religious-purposes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-enduring-impact-of-video-conferencing-for-religious-purposes Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:00:28 +0000 /?p=21134 Video conferencing has transcended its traditional business-oriented applications, expanding its reach to profoundly impact the religious terrain. Video conferencing has become a valuable tool for religious organizations and individuals to connect and engage in spiritual practices. Here are some specific examples of how video conferencing is being used for religious purposes: * Religious services and […]

The post The Enduring Impact of Video Conferencing for Religious purposes. first appeared on Trivoh.

Video conferencing has transcended its traditional business-oriented applications, expanding its reach to profoundly impact the religious terrain.

Video conferencing has become a valuable tool for religious organizations and individuals to connect and engage in spiritual practices. Here are some specific examples of how video conferencing is being used for religious purposes:

* Religious services and events: Leveraging the innovative capabilities of video conferencing, religious organizations have expanded their reach, enabling individuals to virtually attend live-streamed services and events, fostering a sense of connection and community that transcends geographical boundaries. This is particularly beneficial for people who are unable to attend in person due to illness, disability, or location.

* Religious study: Video conferencing is being used to conduct online bible studies, and other forms of religious learning. This allows people to participate and connect with religious leaders from anywhere, and to discuss with others who share their faith.

* Prayer groups and spiritual support: Video conferencing has bridged geographical boundaries to foster virtual prayer groups and support networks, providing solace and connection to individuals seeking spiritual companionship. These virtual prayer groups provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to share their prayers, offer encouragement, and find solace in the shared experience of faith. In a world where many people feel isolated or disconnected, these virtual communities offer a lifeline of spiritual support.

Furthermore, Video conferencing is also being used for a variety of other religious purposes, such as counseling, pastoral care, and community outreach. There are more innovative and creative ways to use video conferencing for religious purposes.

Below are some of the benefits of using video conferencing for religious purposes:
* Expanded reach: Video conferencing makes religious services, and support more accessible to people who are unable to attend in person.


* Global reach: Video conferencing allows religious organizations to connect with people all over the world.


* Enhanced engagement: Video conferencing makes religious experiences more engaging and interactive.


* Cost-effectiveness: Video conferencing can be a cost-effective way to provide religious services and support.


Overall, Trivoh is a Video conferencing app that can be used to enhance and expand religious practices in your local assembly.
As video conferencing technology continues to evolve, we can anticipate the emergence of even more groundbreaking and enriching ways to employ video conferencing for religious purposes.


Click on the link below to download the app


The post The Enduring Impact of Video Conferencing for Religious purposes. first appeared on Trivoh.

BRIDGING THE DISTANCE: CREATIVE WAYS TO CONNECT WITH LOVED ONES USING TRIVOH VIDEO CONFERENCING APP. /bridging-the-distance-creative-ways-to-connect-with-loved-ones-using-trivoh-video-conferencing-app/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bridging-the-distance-creative-ways-to-connect-with-loved-ones-using-trivoh-video-conferencing-app Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:11:55 +0000 /?p=21104 While transacting business and hosting business meetings is a valuable aspect of video conferencing, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more interesting things you can do on a video conferencing apps like organizing and online hangouts and lot more. Video conferencing apps unlock a world of immersive and interactive experiences. The […]


While transacting business and hosting business meetings is a valuable aspect of video conferencing, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more interesting things you can do on a video conferencing apps like organizing and online hangouts and lot more. Video conferencing apps unlock a world of immersive and interactive experiences. The intimacy of in-person interactions is irreplaceable, but video conferencing offers a convenient and accessible way to nurture relationships and maintain connections across geographical distances and busy schedules. Here’s a roundup of fun ideas to liven up your virtual social gatherings and make the most of your video conferencing time:


  1. Themed Gatherings: Elevate your video calls from ordinary to extraordinary with a touch of thematic magic. Organize a virtual costume party, Reignite the spirit of a bygone era with a retro-themed event, where music and fashion collide, or a potluck party where everyone shares their favorite dishes.

  1. Virtual Cooking Classes: Embark on a culinary adventure together with virtual cooking classes, where friendships are seasoned with flavor. Choose a recipe that everyone can follow along with, and guide each other through the preparation process.

  1. Virtual Movie Nights: Gather your friends for a synchronized movie-watching experience. Use apps like Teleparty or Scener to stream the same movie simultaneously and engage in live commentary as you watch.

  1. Virtual Book Clubs: Embark on a literary journey together by forming a virtual book club. Choose a book that interests everyone, read it at your own pace, and schedule regular video chats to discuss the chapters and characters.

  1. Virtual Fitness Classes and Yoga Sessions: Get your heart rate up and stay active together by hosting virtual fitness classes, Unwind and reconnect with your inner self through guided virtual meditation and yoga sessions. You can use online workout videos or virtual yoga instructor.

  1. Virtual games: Experience the thrill of competition and the joy of connection through virtual game nights. Games like Trivia, Quiz Up, online board games and the like.

To cultivate memorable virtual social gatherings, prioritize a cheerful, interactive, and inclusive setting. Encourage participation, embrace the unexpected, and most importantly, have fun!

Click on the link below to get started



Strengthening connections: strengthening relationships amongst remote team members /strengthening-connections-strengthening-relationships-amongst-remote-team-members/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=strengthening-connections-strengthening-relationships-amongst-remote-team-members Mon, 09 Oct 2023 22:01:19 +0000 /?p=21060 In today’s digitally-driven age, the prevalence of remote work has significantly increased, allowing teams to collaborate across different locations and time zones. While the benefits of remote work are numerous, building and maintaining relationships with remote team members can pose unique challenges. Moreover, with the advent of video conferencing, teams now have a powerful tool […]

The post Strengthening connections: strengthening relationships amongst remote team members first appeared on Trivoh.

In today’s digitally-driven age, the prevalence of remote work has significantly increased, allowing teams to collaborate across different locations and time zones. While the benefits of remote work are numerous, building and maintaining relationships with remote team members can pose unique challenges. Moreover, with the advent of video conferencing, teams now have a powerful tool at their disposal to bridge the distance and foster stronger connections.

What do we mean by remote teams?

Also known as distributed teams or virtual teams, have become increasingly common in the modern workplace. But what exactly are remote teams? According to Forbes:

“A remote team is a group of employees, freelancers, and independent contractors who work together from different locations across the country or globe”.

Remote teams rely heavily on technology and online tools rather than in-person interactions to communicate, collaborate, and accomplish their shared goals.

Video conferencing plays a vital role in fostering relationships with remote team members by facilitating face-to-face interactions, bridging the physical distance that separates them. Enabling team members to foster rapport, establish trust, and cultivate a deeper understanding amongst the team members.

How Do Remote Teams Stay Connected?

While remote teams enable new levels of flexibility, they also require specific tools and techniques to enable effective collaboration:

  • Video conferencing helps recreate in-person interactions and body language. People can see each other’s expressions, gestures, and body language which create a sense of presence and authenticity. This strengthens relationships and communication.
  • Collaboration platforms like Slack, Asana, and Trello streamline processes and transparency.
  • File sharing apps make relevant information readily available to all team members.
  • Plus, regular online social events bring the team together in a casual setting.

With the right practices, process and tools remote teams can build trust, align on goals, and perform just as well as traditional, co-located teams. Also, the remote structure empowers companies to build productive and satisfied teams beyond geographic boundaries.

One of the tools to help strengthen your remote teams’ relationship is Video conferencing as it facilitates more effective communication compared to other forms of remote communication, such as email or instant messaging. It enables immediate feedback, clarifications, and real-time collaboration, thereby minimising the likelihood of miscommunication or misunderstandings.

Here are some proven best tactics to foster connection with your remote team virtually by video conferencing:

Schedule quality virtual Face Time

  • Host regular video conferences that enable employees to talk face-to-face. Seeing facial cues and body language is key for developing bonds.
  • Supplement work status meetings with informal virtual get-togethers. This allow for more casual conversations and personal updates.

Organise online fun-filled Social Events

  • Fun virtual activities like remote coffee morning or breaks, happy hours, or games nights give distributed team members a chance to interact socially.
  • Occasional informal gatherings make space for chatter beyond work topics, leads to deeper mutual understanding.

Leverage digital tools to stay Connected

  • Create dedicated chat channels and forums for non-work topics to allow employees to exchange personal updates and bond.
  • Display digital photos of remote workers to make virtual interactions feel more human and personal.

In summary, video conferencing has brought about a significant transformation in the way teams establish and nurture relationships with remote team members. By enabling teams to have that face-to-face interactions, enabling informal interactions through activities such as Team coffee morning, team games night etc. thereby helping teams to bridge the distance and foster strong connections.

By using Trivoh video conferencing App, remote teams can establish a cohesive and collaborative work environment, fostering a strong sense of value and connection among all team members, regardless of their geographical location.

To Learn more about how video conferencing can help your team build a stronger connection, get started Today with Trivoh.

Also, find out more about the benefits of hybrid working model in our Article here.

The post Strengthening connections: strengthening relationships amongst remote team members first appeared on Trivoh.

ADVANTAGE OF VIDEO CONFERENCING IN EDUCATION /advantage-of-video-conferencing-in-education/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=advantage-of-video-conferencing-in-education /advantage-of-video-conferencing-in-education/#respond Fri, 10 Mar 2023 15:30:01 +0000 /?p=19674 There are some specific ways of integrating video conferencing into the education system of which can be particularly useful and impactful. One major shift that is present in most classrooms is the incorporation of online learning methodologies, which are all supported by video conferencing. As we enter this new era in education, this tool has several benefits and can really bring your classroom to life. video conferencing can help teachers create more personalized learning experiences for students. Outside of class hours, it can be used as a means of communication between students, parents, and teachers.

Examples of Video conferencing
Video conferencing can be used in so many different ways in the educational system, here are some ways in which it can be used
1. Teachers can pre-record entire lessons or lectures that students can then watch later on their own time. This works for class environments with large amounts of students in different locations.

2. Teachers can also use video conferencing to conduct a live class almost the same as they would do in an in-person class.

Advantages of Video Conferencing in Education
1. Helps in Collaboration
One key advantage of video conferencing is that it lets students collaborate on group work or projects easily. To make lessons interesting and interactive, Students should be allowed to work together, this foster conversation. It’s easy for them to lose interest if the entire lesson is a lecture. Instead, use features like breakout rooms to encourage students to work on a collaborative task.
It can also be used between teachers to quickly share ideas and materials. This could be in the form of a meeting, webinar, or casual chat. This way, students can reach out to connect to educators in other places and regions to explore new ideas and perspectives.
2. Sharing of Contents
You have the capability to share different materials and files with your students to enhance your lessons. Video conferencing software gives teachers and students the possibility to share files and multimedia in real-time and while in class virtually.
3. Connects students and Teachers together from wherever they are
Another great advantage of a digital classroom is that it can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Having your class team up with students in another city or even country to complete a project that promotes connection, communication, and cross-cultural understanding. The digital classroom has no limits, using video conferencing tools can bring together both teachers and students like never before.
4. Helps Parents and Teachers connect easily
Parents likes to be involved in their students educational performance, so there will be need to meet up with the teacher to ask about their wards performance. Video conferencing makes meetings between teachers and parents easy because they can connect from anywhere and there won't be the stress of rushing from work to meet with their child’s teacher. They can also schedule meetings to fit their available time frame.
5. Recording of Lessons for future reference
This technology gives the option to record lessons as they’re happening. Students can take advantage of this feature to help with note-taking or simply reviewing the material again. Also for students who were absent from a lesson, they can watch the play-back and get caught up quickly and efficiently as if they never missed the class at all. There’s no need for teachers to spend extra time trying to catch students up when they can do it easily on their own time before the next lesson.
A digital classroom has limitless possibilities for both teachers and students to explore. Teachers can take an effective and enriching lessons via connection from their comfort to students any where in the world.


There are some specific ways of integrating video conferencing into the education system of which can be particularly useful and impactful. One major shift that is present in most classrooms is the incorporation of online learning methodologies, which are all supported by video conferencing. As we enter this new era in education, this tool has several benefits and can really bring your classroom to life. video conferencing can help teachers create more personalized learning experiences for students. Outside of class hours, it can be used as a means of communication between students, parents, and teachers.

Examples of Video conferencing

Video conferencing can be used in so many different ways in the educational system, here are some ways in which it can be used

1. Teachers can pre-record entire lessons or lectures that students can then watch later on their own time. This works for class environments with large amounts of students in different locations.

2. Teachers can also use video conferencing to conduct a live class almost the same as they would do in an in-person class.

Advantages of Video Conferencing in Education

1. Helps in Collaboration

One key advantage of video conferencing is that it lets students collaborate on group work or projects easily. To make lessons interesting and interactive, Students should be allowed to work together, this foster conversation. It’s easy for them to lose interest if the entire lesson is a lecture. Instead, use features like breakout rooms to encourage students to work on a collaborative task.

It can also be used between teachers to quickly share ideas and materials. This could be in the form of a meeting, webinar, or casual chat. This way, students can reach out to connect to educators in other places and regions to explore new ideas and perspectives.

2. Sharing of Contents

You have the capability to share different materials and files with your students to enhance your lessons. Video conferencing software gives teachers and students the possibility to share files and multimedia in real-time and while in class virtually.

3. Connects students and Teachers together from wherever they are

Another great advantage of a digital classroom is that it can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Having your class team up with students in another city or even country to complete a project that promotes connection, communication, and cross-cultural understanding. The digital classroom has no limits, using video conferencing tools can bring together both teachers and students like never before.

Intelligent ethnic female person with dark skin, concentrated look, records information on paper, sits in front of opened laptop with blank screen for your advertising content, makes research alone

4. Helps Parents and Teachers connect easily

Parents likes to be involved in their students educational performance, so there will be need to meet up with the teacher to ask about their wards performance. Video conferencing makes meetings between teachers and parents easy because they can connect from anywhere and there won’t be the stress of rushing from work to meet with their child’s teacher. They can also schedule meetings to fit their available time frame.

5. Recording of Lessons for future reference

This technology gives the option to record lessons as they’re happening. Students can take advantage of this feature to help with note-taking or simply reviewing the material again. Also for students who were absent from a lesson, they can watch the play-back and get caught up quickly and efficiently as if they never missed the class at all. There’s no need for teachers to spend extra time trying to catch students up when they can do it easily on their own time before the next lesson.


A digital classroom has limitless possibilities for both teachers and students to explore. Teachers can take an effective and enriching lessons via connection from their comfort to students any where in the world.


/advantage-of-video-conferencing-in-education/feed/ 0
VIDEO CONFERENCING AND IT BENEFITS /video-conferencing-and-it-benefits/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=video-conferencing-and-it-benefits /video-conferencing-and-it-benefits/#respond Mon, 06 Mar 2023 07:00:58 +0000 /?p=19668 I know many of you will be wondering why you need a video conferencing app or why you need to do video conferencing when you can meet up with anyone and get business done. Video conferencing presents countless opportunities to businesses, whether your business has remote workers, offices in multiple cities, or teams of professionals who travel often, video conferencing is key to keeping everyone on the same page.

The post VIDEO CONFERENCING AND IT BENEFITS first appeared on Trivoh.

I know many of you will be wondering why you need a video conferencing app or why you need to do video conferencing when you can meet up with anyone and get business done. Video conferencing presents countless opportunities to businesses, whether your business has remote workers, offices in multiple cities, or teams of professionals who travel often, video conferencing is key to keeping everyone on the same page.


Video conferencing is an online meeting between two or more participants communicating in real time over an internet connection.

Video conferencing with the power to bring people together, simplify collaboration, improve efficiency, and help you save money, provides advantages for businesses of any size.


Video conferencing offers a lot of benefits, which helps make business transactions go smoothly. Let’s take a closer look at some of the biggest benefits:

1. Improves communication

Humans process visual information more quickly and accurately than text and audio. Therefore, when you have a meeting via video conferencing, your attendees will retain more information and understand easily. It helps people express themselves more than a physical meeting.

Company employee attending video call business meeting on computer with webcam, talking to colleagues about remote work. Using online video conference and remote teleconference call to chat.

2. Saves time and money

For meetings that clients/employees must travel to attend, costs can add up. Video conferencing delivers a collaborative, “in-person” experience without the expense of you traveling. That means no excess spending for training, conferences, big meetings, and it also allows you focus your time and resources elsewhere. With the help of virtual meetings, you can hire the best talent and allow them to work anywhere around the globe which of course will expand your remote workforce.

3. Increases Efficiency and Productivity

You are working on a project and all of a sudden you get stuck and need a colleague of yours to help, instead of sending an email to your colleague and hoping for an answer tomorrow, connect for a quick video conference conversation and use a screen-share function to move on with your project. That way you work fast and also smart and it save stress.

Video conferencing makes it easy to collaborate on documents with the “share documents” option.

4. Improves attendance

It’s challenging to coordinate in-person meetings with different people’s busy schedules, making it hard to bring staffs together. Video conferencing allows the kind of flexibility that can boost meeting attendance rates, and you can also record the discussion for non-attendees.

Video conferencing is an excellent way to build professional relationships with colleagues and clients alike.

5. Enables Collaboration

The best video conferencing apps comes with more benefits than just seeing and hear your team members. It offers features like screen sharing and document editing, so it’s easy for everyone to go through the files they need, and contribute to the discussion. It helps team members work together whether they’re in the office, or on the road, or at home and in different time zones.

Take the next step with TRIVOH

The advantages of video conferencing are many, but to benefit from all the ways video conferencing improves communication and empowers collaboration across your business, anywhere you are and in different time zones, explore TRIVOH.

Start a meeting now to enjoy all this benefits, click on the link below to get started


The post VIDEO CONFERENCING AND IT BENEFITS first appeared on Trivoh.

/video-conferencing-and-it-benefits/feed/ 0