I know many of you will be wondering why you need a video conferencing app or why you need to do video conferencing when you can meet up with anyone and get business done. Video conferencing presents countless opportunities to businesses, whether your business has remote workers, offices in multiple cities, or teams of professionals who travel often, video conferencing is key to keeping everyone on the same page.


Video conferencing is an online meeting between two or more participants communicating in real time over an internet connection.

Video conferencing with the power to bring people together, simplify collaboration, improve efficiency, and help you save money, provides advantages for businesses of any size.


Video conferencing offers a lot of benefits, which helps make business transactions go smoothly. Let’s take a closer look at some of the biggest benefits:

1. Improves communication

Humans process visual information more quickly and accurately than text and audio. Therefore, when you have a meeting via video conferencing, your attendees will retain more information and understand easily. It helps people express themselves more than a physical meeting.

Company employee attending video call business meeting on computer with webcam, talking to colleagues about remote work. Using online video conference and remote teleconference call to chat.

2. Saves time and money

For meetings that clients/employees must travel to attend, costs can add up. Video conferencing delivers a collaborative, “in-person” experience without the expense of you traveling. That means no excess spending for training, conferences, big meetings, and it also allows you focus your time and resources elsewhere. With the help of virtual meetings, you can hire the best talent and allow them to work anywhere around the globe which of course will expand your remote workforce.

3. Increases Efficiency and Productivity

You are working on a project and all of a sudden you get stuck and need a colleague of yours to help, instead of sending an email to your colleague and hoping for an answer tomorrow, connect for a quick video conference conversation and use a screen-share function to move on with your project. That way you work fast and also smart and it save stress.

Video conferencing makes it easy to collaborate on documents with the “share documents” option.

4. Improves attendance

It’s challenging to coordinate in-person meetings with different people’s busy schedules, making it hard to bring staffs together. Video conferencing allows the kind of flexibility that can boost meeting attendance rates, and you can also record the discussion for non-attendees.

Video conferencing is an excellent way to build professional relationships with colleagues and clients alike.

5. Enables Collaboration

The best video conferencing apps comes with more benefits than just seeing and hear your team members. It offers features like screen sharing and document editing, so it’s easy for everyone to go through the files they need, and contribute to the discussion. It helps team members work together whether they’re in the office, or on the road, or at home and in different time zones.

Take the next step with TRIVOH

The advantages of video conferencing are many, but to benefit from all the ways video conferencing improves communication and empowers collaboration across your business, anywhere you are and in different time zones, explore TRIVOH.

Start a meeting now to enjoy all this benefits, click on the link below to get started

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