Technology is vastly taking root in every sector and it is reducing the stress of having to meet physically before a business transaction can take place with the help of a virtual communication system.

In this article, we will be looking at the best way to maintain a business network via the virtual communication system

1. Set your meeting goals

Before you start a meeting with your client, it is important to understand the goal of the meeting and then after writing out a list of how you want to achieve the goal(s) during the meeting. When you set goals before a meeting begins, it helps you to decide what needs to be discussed during the meeting, how much time you want to spend, and what information you need to walk out with at the end of the meeting.

2. Choose your virtual meeting tool

Trivoh allows you to run your business meetings smoothly and more easily. It provides you with an opportunity to build and maintain your business network, hence starting a virtual company.

A virtual company is a system whereby all your business transactions are conducted via the internet. With a variety of options to explore on our app (ranging from creating and scheduling meetings, and chatting to sharing documents) Trivoh has made it easy to stay connected and on track with your clients and employees.

3. Schedule the meeting

Trivoh has a room option on the app where you can fix and schedule a meeting beforehand (you can give the meeting a unique name also), and send out the link to the client or employee’s mail. You can also generate a QR code for your meeting, which allows attendees to scan and join. Use our agenda setting tool to organise and structure your meeting for effective outcomes.

4. Send a reminder

Don’t just hit send on your meeting link alone- . Keep your attendees from missing out with a friendly nudge, an hour or 30 minutes before the meeting

5. Create a cool environment

Virtual meetings do not have to be awkward, as the host of the meeting it’s your job to set the tone of the meeting and make everyone comfortable. This helps to break the awkward silence and also helps to build a better relationship and foster better team culture

6. Give your maximum attention

Stay focused and connected during your  virtual meetings. Keep your camera where they can see your face, speak up when needed, and mute your Mic when you are not speaking to avoid distraction. Quickly convey your thoughts using the chat feature during active discussions.

7. Follow up after the meeting

Once the meeting is over and you need to be sure everyone is on the same page, you can easily create a group chat on the Trivoh chat, to remind everyone what he/she needs to do before the next meeting. Share Documents and other files in the group. There is also the option to record the meeting just in case someone missed the meeting, he/she can get the recorded video to keep up to date.

Trivoh has been created as a means to help build a solid business network no matter where you are. Business transactions can be easily carried out without stress.

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